Sunday gave us a mixed bag of weather from amazing blue skys to hella grey bird but only a hint of rain which was nice! Caught up with a little crew at
T. Whites and headed off...

Teva was holding the store down for Tim as per usual sundays, good on ya Teva, even let us have a ganda of the super secret Jap spec catalog featuring some of Baxters hopes and dreams including,

I invited this guy to come for a hoon but he wasnt keen what a dick,

oh well his loss!
After some investigation DJ4130 found that Guys forks were, well forked, his steerer tube was cracked after a rad bail on the
SBC booze cruse due to some BMX cat cutting him off and sending him into a chainlink fence,

So DJ41 and Ken got him sorted with some new forks to get rollin on the road again, and Baxter added a rad chain guard to my bike, thanks ya dick, latte in a bowl for you!

We rolled on down to Queens Wharf, which was opened to the pubic for 3 hours as there are some big changes to come more info: 

There was a bunch of people that came out to check the area out, it was a pretty sweet spot for trick around, after that headed up through Parnell and on to Ponsonby, back to T Whites and back out west west yall! all and all a nice day rollin! bring on summer riding!
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