The change of scenery was nice for a change and the easily bribed security gurads made for a pretty decent night. As the moon traveled across the sky, things slowly started to resemble a swingers party in Ponsonby with all the crew ending up riding each others bikes.
DJ fourtyone got his ish locked on my bike and started poppin crazy track bike one handed x ups, not to mention picking up barspins pretty dam quick. Hes off to Japan tomorow for three weeks so guess whos going to steal his rollers whilst hes this space.
Everyones getting their trickery looking crisp and Ken even showed us that he can still out skid us....haha i love this quote at the end
Hopefully ill be able to get out tonight for a bit of distance. Unfortunatley Kenny wont be able to make it tonight.......coz its his birthday, and hes gonna party like its his birthday, hes going to go out for dinner coz its his birthday and he not gonna ride coz its his birthday.
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